Komunidad helps the Municipality of Socorro, Surigao Del Norte achieve a climate-resilient community

April 27, 2023: Komunidad helps the Municipality of Socorro, Surigao Del Norte achieve a climate-resilient community.


The Climate-Resilient Siargao project of Komunidad rolled out training and workshop sessions in Socorro, Surigao Del Norte. It is a one-day event attended by different sectors among the LGU and other stakeholders within the municipality. The morning training pivots with foundation and knowledge building regarding weather and natural-hazard through the Weather, Climate, Tropical Cyclone 101 training, which enhanced the participants’ understanding of the topic. It paves the way to clear the misconceptions and experiences in the local weather within their area. The afternoon session focuses on the dashboarding workshop of the participants to the Enterprise Web Application System of Komunidad. The participants experience the system hands-on during the training, which allows and helps the Municipality of Socorro to exercise early warning decision-making and action.

Also, the project turnover laptop and Wi-Fi router to the DRRM Office of the Municipality of Socorro, these equipment will help them to improve and build their operation command center using innovative digital solutions.

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